It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game.
If you live on the edge of a cliff, it's only a matter of time before you
fall off.
Q: Do you believe in fortune cookies?
A: I believe they exist. I've eaten them myself.
Eat for fuel, not for flavor.
Good politics is the wise distribution, execution, and maintenance of power.
All educated people agree on this point.
You can't be creative unless you're free.
A healthy skepticism will always serve you well.
A proper watch is a face watch; anything else is just a toy.
Success comes from advance decision making and delayed gratification.
I'm here to facilitate, not to dominate.
Your success or failure as a leader will largely be a function of your
desire to have a good time.
Leadership is like flying a fighter plane off an aircraft carrier; you
leave the deck, there's a initial drop off, you realize that you're on
your own, and then it's perform or die.
Sailing teaches you to work as a team and to hold your course.
Everything can be divided into two groups.
It's impossible for men and women to just be friends. There's always a
romantic component.
Until you can prove to me that human life does not begin at conception,
I have to take the conservative position that it does.
Pride fills in like scar tissue where self esteem has been stripped away.
Borrow money to buy a house. Pay cash for everything else.
Attention span in minutes is equal to age in years.
It's really hard to sit in class for three hours.
Power attracts women like a magnet.
Knowledge is no substitute for wisdom.
I felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Ruthless females competing to mate.
It's been a pleasure meeting you madam; one would normally have to go to
a bowling alley to meet a woman of your caliber.
If you're not a liberal at 20 then you have no heart. If you're not a conservative
at 40 then you have no head.
Some are born to greatness, some achieve greatness, some have greatness
thrust upon them.
In the abundance of council there is much wisdom.
The more they've got, the less they're worth.
I do it because it's the right thing to do, and because I'm the only one
who can do it.
People in power use their power to keep their power.
Fools jump in when wise men ask how deep the water is.
I just love it when a plan comes together.
Real power isn't something that someone gives you; it's something you take.
You can't win if you don't lose a few.
Men and women are different in the same way that cars and trucks are different.
Each one is designed for a different purpose. You can try to use them interchangeably
but when it comes right down to it, there are tasks that are more appropriate
for one than the other.
For men and women it's equal yes, interchangeable no.
Men are encouraged to do, women are encouraged to be.
Being overly protective is the worst thing that you can do to a child.
Truth exists.
Wouldn't it be a fine thing if a man's head were like his stomach in that
it wouldn't let him rest until he put something in it.
Time wounds all heels.
War is to men what motherhood is to women.
Our attention spans are evolving to equal the length of time between TV
Women's natural abilities have never been at the center to the career debate.
The big question is what's the most appropriate role in light of he responsibilities
associated with raising children.
Assume the virtue though you have it not.
When I listen to people talking about abortion I hear two things. One side
says it's alive, don't kill it. The other side says that an unwanted pregnancy
is very inconvenient.
Get married when you're ready to have children.
Marriage is like life in that it's a field of battle not a bed of roses.
Nothing is more horrifying than stupidity in action.
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for
a lifetime.
Nothing is fair.
Get into trouble, get out of trouble, get into trouble again.
Always confident, frequently wrong.
I never knew what happiness was until I got married; then it was too late.
Two engineers having a conversation: "I'm in charge." "No, I'm in charge."
"No, I'm in charge."...
Watch the pounds and the ounces will take care of themselves.
To him what he produces, from him what he consumes.
Your eyes are worth protecting.
You can't have everything because where would you put it.
No matter where you go, there you are.
85% of success is showing up.
Remember when you were a kid and it felt like summer would last forever.
Men of high position are allowed by a seemingly special act of grace to
accommodate their reasoning to the answer they need.
If you keep buying things you don't need it's only a matter of time before
you're selling things that you do need.
Chalk boards are more effective than overheads. After a while, all of the
overheads start looking the same.
The lecturer will, of course, prefer using overheads because it's easier
for him.
A good leader is characterized more by what he prevents from happening
rather than by what he makes happen.
The world is a whole different place when you sleep at night.
Most of life is lived in the mundane.
Unrealistic expectations is the number one cause of relational failure.
For a man, marrying money is the hardest way to make it.
When you're in school, what you have is independent of the work you've
done. This often causes a big shock after graduation.
What more is there to life than finding someone to love who will love you
A little experience can wipe out a whole lot of theory.
Life is like getting a suntan. If you try to do it all at once you'll get
burned. If you take it slowly it'll get better with time.
He's like the puritan who was having trouble sleeping at night because
he was worried that someone, somewhere, somehow, was out having a good
The decline of a neighborhood begins with vinyl siding.
A society is successful when mothers are not afraid to bring children into
the world.
There's only one price for a house; all you've got, all you can borrow,
and then a little more.
They can't all be brilliant.
Those who are most worthy of love are also the most likely to suffer because
of it.
The achievements which society rewards are won a cost of diminution of
personality. Forces in society won't let us become whole people because
we are more useful to them when one small part of us is overdeveloped.
Having fun may be the spice of life but it's not the main course because
when it's over nothing of lasting value remains.
At graduation the university president said, "Be generous to the A students
because someday one of them might come back to be a professor, and be generous
to the C students because someday one of them might come back and buy us
a building."
When you were in school you were like a squirrel running around doing all
of the things that needed doing. Now you've been caught and put to work.
Be careful that what happens to wild squirrels who are put into cages doesn't
happen to you.
In a lot of churches all you hear is pray, pay, and obey.
She's got center of attention disorder.
Minimize your dependency on income.
In a meritocracy you earn your position; you don't get it by qualifying.
Love will get you through times when there's no sex by sex won't get you
through times when there's no love.
Which would you rather be? Good looking and poor (or stupid) or bad looking
and rich (or smart).
Two income households have had a dramatic effect on the housing market.
The price of a house is set by how much a family can afford to pay. It
used to be a certain percentage of one paycheck; now it's the same percentage
of two checks.
My loyalty is with Star Fleet. All the trouble I have is with either Klingons
or Romulans.
I've seen ugly people start to exercise. After a while they're still ugly,
but they sure do look good.
The one who loves the least has the most power.
The one who is most willing to destroy a thing, controls the thing.
The flavor is subtly demure while the bouquet is playfully articulate.
Women don't know what they want; they don't like what they have. Men know
exactly what they want; and as soon as they get it, they loose interest.
Try to maximize control of your own individual progress.
It used to be that you could fix your own car and that every high school
kid knew what most of the parts did. Now the only thing that most people
know how to do is to fill the gas tank.
My car needs a sticker on the hood that says, "Caution, no user serviceable
parts inside."
Where the Bible speaks we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent.
Being a girl is a full time job.
For a lot of Christians, church means trying to get other people to join
their little group so they can tell them what to do.
Never let a day go by without making a little money.
Your hair looks like polyester (or like an explosion at a steel wool factory).
Head up, eyes forward, as in life.
Not asking a woman how her day went is like ignoring the fact that a man
is unemployed.
Capitalists want to make everybody rich. Communists want to make everybody
Find out how the system works and then get on the good side of it.
People are such willing slaves.
For a woman, sex begins in the kitchen.
Have much, show only a little.
There's no such thing as a failed experiment.
Learning to avoid error is good; learning to recover from it is better.
The tragic flaw of church is that one guy always gets into control of it
and then tries to mold everyone into a perfect reflection of his own opinion.
Original vs. derivative work.
There's nothing more dysfunctional than a relationship where a stupid person
has authority over a smart person.
Any frontal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are
always ready to defend their most precious possession - their ignorance.
Negativity is caused by fear.
Think about the things that make you laugh. How many of them involve someone
being at a disadvantage?
How come in the TV ads the men always lose and the women always win?
What images does TV fill our minds with? death, violence, emotional trauma,
or life, adventure, and happiness.
If you're not falling down when you go skiing then you're not trying hard
The world breaks everyone and afterwards many are strong at the broken
points; but those who will not break, it kills.
If you don't stand up to people with power, they'll walk all over you.
Most of the pleasure from eating comes from eating quickly.
A mind is like a parachute; it only works when it's open.
In the big picture of life there is only advancement and regression; no
The depth of a person's pain is a measure of their capacity to love.
When you stop learning, you stop living.
All events in life are neutral. What you make of these events can be positive
or negative.
There's a fine line between pride and stupidity.
We build walls in our minds to protect ourselves from thoughts we don't
want to know.
Dating is the process of covering things up; marriage is the process of
revealing them.
Today is a day unto itself, not just a stone in the path of life.
Drop an atomic bomb and then throw a couple of firecrackers. No one will
notice the firecrackers.
The future seems to take longer than the present.
A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
People don't change until the pain of staying the same is greater than
the pain of changing.
You don't know what you don't know. (If I had known that I didn't know
about that, I would have done something about it.)
Sleep with the dogs and you'll wake up with flees.
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of time and it annoys the
If you have low expectations you'll never be disappointed.
How can it be that a person with absolutely no interest or use for God,
can be so offended when you say something bad about the Catholic church?
Evil seeks to maintain power by suppressing the truth.
There's nothing you can do to make God love you more. There's nothing you
can do to make God love you less.
When you submit to an unjust authority, you make a mockery out of all those
who died for freedom.
You need more than a cookbook to become a master chef.
Self interest is the only interest you can ever count on.
The ground cracks when it's hard; nothing grows there until it softens.
For evil to triumph all that's necessary is for good men to do nothing.
It's not enough to make progress; we have to make it in the right direction.
A person going nowhere is always sure of reaching his goal.
Nothing will ever be achieved if all possible objections must first be
A person without a vision will parish.
An active pencil makes for an active mind.
My son, he married such a wonderful woman. She cooks, she cleans, she takes
care of the kids. But my daughter, oh what a terrible man she married.
He makes her cook, he makes her clean, he makes her take care of the kids...
I saw a dog in a big crowd. He went from person to person, never staying
with only one for any real length of time. Later, I saw a dog in a small
group. He stayed with one person the whole time. People are like this too.
The only thing wrong with it is that I don't like it.
Energy is the most primary form of existence, not matter.
If you rush a miracle worker you get rotten miracles.
The smarter you are the more you realize that everyone's an idiot, including
Friends only get in your way when you're on the way down.
Is there any amount of logical argument that can overcome a person's personal
desire to disagree with an idea?
Did you know that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?
I don't know if I'm a liberal or a conservative. When I talk to conservatives
they think I'm some kind of anarchist. When I talk to liberals they get
scared because they think I'm dangerously conservative.
A's hire other A's. B's hire mostly C's and D's. Smart people are never
afraid to work with their own kind.
You're only limited by your own creativity.
I'll see it when I believe it.
Only two things are required; courage and vision.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again,
expecting a different outcome.
Rhode Island conservation of R theory: I drove my ca' to Warshington.
If a person advances at the expense of their children then it's wrong.
There's never just one roach.
The true test of any philosophy is its ability to produce long term happiness.
I don't know, it's just a stream of consciousness kind of document.
Lots of people, like high school students, have stopped working on cars
and started working on computers instead.
She's one day younger than God.
They don't fall in love with you, they fall in love with the way you make
them feel.
Why do so many people say, "And may God be with you?" God will always
be with us. I think the case is more that we are not with Him.
All the world's problems would be solved if everyone would just do as I
When I die, I'm goin' to heaven;
Through the pearly gates, it's me they'll be lettin';
No more sorrow, no more pain;
To live is Christ, to die is gain.
It's not what you do, it's who you do it with.
If you try to take control, you'll loose control.