Summary of Ideas
Main Index

Supporting discussion is in the bracketed sections.

The Bible comes from God and can be relied upon.
[ Bible Proof ][ Numeric Structure ]
[ Notes About the Bible ][ Statement of Faith ][ Oxford Scholars Skit ]

Concepts from the Bible:

A person becomes a Christian by believing that Jesus is the son of God and establishing a spiritual relationship with Him.
[ Basic Concepts of the Bible ][ Sower ]

Christians have eternal life in heaven after this life is finished.
[ Is There a Heaven? ]

This means they are saved, or have received salvation.
[ Two Ideas from John ]

God saves people based on their faith alone.  Salvation is not based on good deeds, ceremonies, church membership, or family relations.
[ Is Faith Enough? ]

Once a person is saved, they are always saved.  God will not take away their salvation.
[ Trouble Among Believers ][ Always Saved ]

Baptism is a ceremony to acknowledge that a person has become a Christian.
[ Baptism ]

The only way to be saved is by becoming a Christian.
[ Are There Many Ways to God? ][ Narrow Door ]

Hell is a place for people who are not saved.
[ Is There a Hell? ][ Lazarus ]

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three separate persons all united in one entity.
[ Trinity ][ Spirit ]

Everybody has the opportunity to be saved.  God does not play favorites.
[ Predestination ]

Christians are called upon to lead a good and honest life.
[ Beatitudes ][ Prayer ][ Samaritan ][ Shrewd Bargain ]

Once Christians get married, they're supposed to stay married.
[ Divorce and Remarriage ]

There are no clear rules in the Bible about how to run a church.
[ Proverbs to read first ][ Leadership Selection & Issues ][ Funding Sources ]

These next ideas are not from the Bible:

Opinion about organizations.
[ The Secret Formula ][ Catholic or Protestant? ][ Grace vs. Works ]

Where we are going is more important than where we came from.
[ Creation or Evolution? ]